To become the principal of any institution is a huge responsibility. The school is a place for obtaining the knowledge which will last lifelong in the brains of the little learners; this multiplies the responsibility. What you plan and execute will reflect in the future generation. For the execution one needs a team of trained faculties. I have always been fortunate to have got such faculties. Now the task is to equip the future generation with the apposite knowledge. Then the brain works round the clock and even when I am at school or out of school, awaking or sleeping, it works for the best for the students. It gives a sense of pride for me that I am leaving no stone unturned. The aim of opting this noble profession is achieved with each effort I make. Apart from making the students good at academics I keep the sports also at the core. Sports can develop many skills in an individual’s personality. It helps to metamorphose an ordinary student into an all-rounder. The process goes on. I wish all best to all the faculties and students for their endeavours.

Principal - Meghna S.B.